Can You Survive a Break Up

Publicado  Thursday, October 8, 2009

Can You Survive a Break Up

Is there a secret to Making Up with your loved one? Have you broken up or separated and are trying to find some way to get back together with your boyfriend, girlfriend or spouse? There is a right way and wrong way to do this. The author of this guide uses the term "Magic Words" that you use to win over someone to get them to come back to you. Also, there are things you can say that will keep them away, even if you truly said it with the intent of getting them back, you do not want to use the wrong methods.

How can you Stop a Break Up


How can you Stop a Break Up

What are the secrets to making up? How can you stop a break up? There comes a time in some peoples lives that they break up with someone they really care about. This includes myself and I know it hurts.There is a way you can get back together if you use the right methods. Not following the right methods could ruin any chance of reconciliation. If you have a guidebook to go by it would take the guess work out of what to do.

Beautiful Russian Women Are Waiting to Meet You.

Publicado  Wednesday, October 7, 2009 Beautiful Russian Women Are Waiting to Meet You.
Online dating has brought a whole new meaning to finding your soul mate. Your choices are no longer limited to the people in your hometown or county. You are able to reach past the distance and countries to find someone you truly care about and want to spend time with.

With Live Video Streaming, Dream Marriage adds a whole new dimension to the joy of meeting Russian women online. Adding Live Video Streaming to your Live Chat session is just like going on a date - you will be able to make eye contact, see body language and pick up other cues that are important in helping you decide whether a particular woman could truly be your dream Russian woman!
Live video helps you get a better sense of which Russian women online are for you. Only gentlemen have access to Live Video for viewing women during Live Chat - so no need to dress for the occasion! When you click on the Live Chat button, you can see all the Russian women who are available right now for chatting. To see who has a Web cam for live video, look for the blinking camera icon underneath the photos. Live video gives you more valuable information about the Russian women you may be interested in.

Respect her future

Publicado  Saturday, September 26, 2009

Respect her future. If the two of you are having or plan to have sex, make sure that it is safe, sane and consensual. Learn about safer sex, ask her if she is on the pill, and talk about your STD status. It may seem awkward, but an unplanned pregnancy or an STD would be much worse! Also, if you have had intercourse with anyone before, you can offer to be tested for HIV together, regardless of how many partners you have had. You never know if someone might have cheated on you and come in contact with it without knowing, hence passing it to you.

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Make Her Fall in Love


How to Impress a Girl and Make Her Fall in Love with a Boy

Most guys want to impress a girl so she will like him, but most of those guys come about it all wrong, and instead of impressing her, he turns her off. Find out how to turn heads-in your direction.

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  1. Now the first step is the most simple-play a sport. I don't care what you play, even rugby and golf. As long as girls know that you play a sport and don't sit all day in your dark room, it's all good. Carry a football, basketball, or baseball glove around school a couple times out of the week. Also, if you're not exactly the sports type, try considering learning to play an instrument. Girls love a guy who can play guitar or piano. You don't know how much this attracts a girl.
  2. Now, find out if she is single. It really stinks to do all of these steps for a girl who already has a boyfriend that she likes.
  3. Too many guys make the mistake of thinking that if you can burp for more than twenty seconds, than a girl will fall in love with him. Impress her with your brains, act smarter and more mature than those other idiots. But don't come off as a geek or nerd.
  4. Act charming. Have witty conversations with the girl.
  5. Know the latest fashions, trends, music, movies, and tv shows. Pick up a newspaper or a magazine and read through all of the sections. Get a general knowledge of what is going on in today's teen world so you will have a lot to talk about.
  6. Make friends with everyone. Be the guy who everyone sits around and listens to. Be the all around guy. Be able to talk to the goths, jocks, popular kids, geeks, and everyone else. She will feel way more comfortable around you knowing that you are cool with everyone you know, instead of being the geek in the back of the classroom who has no friends.
  7. Find out what you both have in common, and make sure that she knows that you two have the same likes and dislikes.
  8. Make her feel really comfortable around you. Make sure that she knows that she is able to come to you with any problems that she might be having in her life. Also, make sure that she knows that not only can you listen to her problems, but you can also solve her problems, or maybe at least just come up with ideas to help her solve them. Be warned, however. Offering advice is one thing, but girls don't talk about their problems to someone because they want that person to try and solve them all. They want someone who will listen, first and foremost.
  9. Now here's the big step, say "I like you" first and then ask her out to a movie, or to lunch. If she feels the same way that you feel about her, then she will most likely say yes.

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Now, let me tell you my situation...


Now, let me tell you my situation...
There is this girl in my school just an year younger than me.. She is beautiful,pretty, lovely, and has all good stuff.. She lives very close to my home too...
Now the thing is, okay.. I'm in LOVE with her.. I can never get her off my mind.. Her thoughts keep haunting me..

I have got many chances to tell her my feelings.. Even when i am typing this she is currently online on MSN and chatting with me.. But i m careful not to spill out anything about my feelings...

Um.. and she is in the same school club as I am.. We often end up together sitting next to each other.. And sometimes some boys and gals say that we are in love.. Its partly true.. I love her.. But I'm not sure whether she does.. Its probably because they sometimes catch me lost looking at her...

Can guys just give me a few tips on what i shud do.. My mind is going crazy... Oh, and to make matters worse, sometimes when we are together, alone she rarely talks to me.. but she talks to me on the internet.. Is she shy or am i the one who is Just HELP ME!!!

Regards Arun

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How to Make Friends

Publicado  Friday, September 25, 2009

There's a certain beauty in being a lone wolf. You have more time to do things you want to do, like take introspective walks, read books, write poetry, and other solitary endeavors. If you want to diversify your options, though, there are literally billions of potential friends in the world. What's more, many of these people want to make friends just as much as you do. So consider these suggestions to meet people and form strong, lasting friendships.

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How To Impress A Girl 2


Well, after seeing a beautiful girl, every guy is haunted by the same question-How to impress this girl? Till the time he doesn’t know the way out, the task appears really demanding. To reveal the truth, the art of impressing girls has the simple fact, that girls are not impressed by fake things. Most guys are likely to act smart or be like someone else just to impress girls, yet they never succeed with this policy. The solution to this question is to be original so as to impress your girl. Read further to get acquainted with some tips for impressing girls.

  • Good work starts with good hygiene. Usually guys are careless about personal hygiene but girls are really watchful about this. So, be well-groomed and wear clean clothes to attract your girl.
  • Have a good attitude because girls don’t like guys who flaunt. Be modest and don’t attempt to impress everyone. Guys, slightly inclined towards good humor, are liked by girls.
  • Show respect towards everyone and give them their space; this will fetch your respect from them too. Especially with girls, showing respect works even better.
  • Have healthy conversations and don’t speak too much before girls. Speak in moderation; the other person should not feel that you’re not interested and also don’t speak in excess so that he/she doesn’t get time to speak.
  • Prefer talking on topics of common interest. Girls don’t like guys who talk about themselves only. Show interest in her speech. Ask her about her interests like hobbies, favorite books, music, etc. If she starts asking you about yours, speak briefly and again focus on her interests.
  • Try to flirt. If you both make an eye contact, just pass a smile. Perhaps she will get blushed or start looking away, but don’t react. Remember you don’t have to stare her down. If she likes you, she will definitely give glances.
  • Always respect her opinion and ideas, and don’t criticize her. Give her compliments and never talk anything disgraceful to her friends.
  • Be romantic, but not in excess. If you’ve been dating for a month, you can attempt a romantic gesture. For example, hold her hand while looking in her eyes or get down on your knees to bow her.
  • Start speaking with her casually. If you don’t know the girl, start friendly conversation. Ask for the time, and praise her watch.
  • Make an effort to get her attention to your plus points and away from negative points, remember to be original.
  • Don’t tell her straightaway that you like her. Ask her out. If she refuses, don’t take any tensions. You can change the style and say ‘Oh! Actually we friends are planning to go on a dinner; I thought that you might like to join us”.
Don’t get stick to her. Give her some time and like this, you’ll definitely get her attention

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